Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Last Laugh: So much for his dream...

Last week I posted a story about the millions of dollars wasted trying to make the L.A. Community Colleges "green". In it, Larry Eisenberg was quoted as saying;
"Ultimately," he said, "I believe we'll get there."
Well apparently not. He was fired this past week.
Several dozen spectators burst into applause when board President Georgia Mercer announced that the seven trustees had voted unanimously in closed session to terminate Larry Eisenberg's employment contract, effective at the end of this week.

"It's time to move on in a new direction," Mercer said.
My favorite part was when The Times tried to reach him for comment;
In a brief telephone interview, Eisenberg declined to discuss what led to his firing.
"You guys have done your damage," he said.
At least justice was served here. I just wish The Times would pull their head out of their rear ends on this Value-Added stuff.

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