I have had a ton of complaints as to how I run my class. One such complaint was that I collect homework at the end of a chapter, not everyday. I had a bunch of students say, "If you collected the homework daily I would do it, but since you wait til the end of the chapter I don't do it." So that whole being responsible didn't work. So I decided to start collecting the homework daily. I have copied my gradebook and took a picture of it. Now before anyone freaks out, the order is random, the names & grades are chopped off. And you can't even see the assignment points. And it isn't even the entire gradebook, just the last couple of weeks.
This isn't the norm for me. This is definitely one of those weird years. I can't explain it, but the lack of motivation is staggering to me. I got nothing.
Students actually said that it's your fault that they don't do their homework? How are they going to make it through college when the professor isn't going to hold their hand?
shhhh you can't say that. It might hurt their feelings. I have found more and more that most students just want to be told something that makes them feel good, the truth usually isn't one of those things.
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