Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Free Speech for the Dumb: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Our dear governor. What happened to him? He promised to come in and clean up California and he is leaving it in worse shape than it was when he took over from Grey Davis. Now, I know some say he was powerless against the liberal legislature, but he could have stood up to them when they presented those enormous spending budgets...he didn't.

His liberal colors came through more and more with the passing of "final solution" global warming bill, which might hurt our state even more, and the signing into law of Harvey Milk Day. This next quote shouldn't surprise anyone then.

While speaking at a graduation in Atlanta, the governor had this to say about the new Arizona law;

"I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona this weekend," Schwarzenegger said. "But with my accent I was afraid they would try to deport me."

Seriously, it's stupid comments like these that have totally blown this law out of proportion. Maybe his wife would be pulled over for all of her traffic problems, but that's another story.

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