Sunday, December 12, 2010

Video Killed the Radio Star: Star Wars Han shot first...

I am a huge Star Wars fan and was so pissed when they changed the scene where Han shot first to making Greedo shoot first. It was embarrassing. I won't go into that discussion because it has been argued plenty of times, down to videos of Clint Eastwood westerns being used as proof that a "good guy" can shoot first to get out of trouble.

Anyway, this video is probably the funniest spoof I have seen on the subject.

I think it's the fact that their bodies never move. Kind of like how they managed to just move Han's head in the first remastered version.


- said...

HAHAHAHA. I love how Greedo shoots around Han's head.

Mr. W said...

yeah that is my favorite part too. Probably because it comes out of no where.

- said...

Hhahaha. Exactly.