I remember turning on the t.v. one afternoon watching what I considered to be a live version of Voltron. Now, Voltron was one of the greatest cartoons on t.v. growing up, so to see a live version was intriguing. I just remember the horrible acting, the bad costumes, and the fight scenes were blah. To me it was a slap in the face of the greatness that was Voltron. I later learned it was Voltron that pretty much copied everything from this show. Voltron was more violent, which probably still makes it better.

Just when I was ready to change the show, they do something like bring back the original Red Ranger, Jason, as the Gold Ranger during Power Rangers: Zeo. It was a totally unexpected move, since they still had Billy on the show, yet he wasn't a ranger. It was things like that that kept me coming back for more. The unknown.
The show lost a ton of steam with PR: Turbo. They brought on some kid to be a ranger. It was like watching Cousin Oliver on The Brady Bunch. And then Tommy left the show, there was no reason for me to keep watching.
Then something amazing happened. The next season, PR: In Space, Zordon was showing up again, he was kidnapped during Turbo (I think). Long story short, they had strung together like 6-7 seasons of Power Rangers into this grand finale. It was great. It even had some drama with Zordon sacrificing himself to save the universe. All of the previous seasons all added up to that one finale. After that episode, Power Rangers changed.

Then, I read online that Tommy was coming back. Now he was a lot older, in fact he was a teacher on the show. It was great to see Tommy back. The best was when he sort of broke the fourth wall. Every ranger wears clothes that match the color of their ranger, ie. red ranger wore a lot of red. So after he gets the power to be the black ranger, he makes the comment that he needed to go shopping since he had a serious shortage of black. Classic.

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